Experts claim that eight “dangerous” words might topple King Charles and put the Royal Family on the “verge of collapse
King Charles made it clear that he intended to make changes within the Royal Family even before he assumed his new position as head of state. According to previous reports, Prince Charles mentioned reducing the size of the monarchy. “Charles has never concealed his desire for a more limited monarchy upon ascending to the throne.
He understands that the people will not support a massive monarchy and that, as he stated, the balcony at Buckingham Palace will most likely collapse, according to reports.

The fact is that the existence of the monarchy is the subject of an endless discussion. While some people support it because of the protection it offers, others think it is an outmoded system that costs the tax payers a great deal of money. As reported by Newsweek, a YouGov research from 2021 found that 41% of respondents between the ages of 18 and 24 thought an elected head of state was preferable to a monarch.
Knowing this, King Charles and his son William are making every effort to modernise the monarchy—a difficult and time-consuming task, to be sure. Since King Charles was the first king to receive a university education and wasn’t homeschooled, it’s reasonable to assume that he was the catalyst for some of the reforms that followed.
Charles has received recognition for his support of environmental movements and his efforts to enhance the lives of young people in impoverished areas. The father’s elder son holds similar values and is deeply committed to the same causes.

Speaking of Charles and William, royal analyst Katie Nicholl stated that, based on one of her sources, Prince Philip’s death in April 2021 “sharpened the focus on the future” for Prince William and Charles at the time.
A family acquaintance informed Nicholl, “They are absolutely on the same page, in fact they are closer now than they have ever been.” They have a really passionate and sincere relationship, and they communicate virtually every day. “They think the monarchy is real, that it will continue, and that it has a future. They understand that when the Queen’s reign ends, there will be changes in the future and that it needs to modernise.
“William knows that the monarchy has to modernise in order to survive,” she continued. When it comes to his turn to rule, he intends to carry on his grandmother’s tradition in his own unique manner.

Experts claim that one danger facing the monarchy is its reduced size, which leads to fewer royal engagements than in previous years. The author of the Civitas analysis, Frank Young, was quoted in the Express as utelling saying, “The Royal family as we know it is on the brink of collapse and risks abolishing itself by stealth if the King doesn’t take steps to boost visits that have fallen radically over the last decade.”
The Royal family is becoming more and more dependent on a select group of devoted individuals, with Charles, Anne, and Edward contributing about half of the labour, as a result of scandal, death, and resignation. We will either have to tolerate a Royal Family that is further apart from the people than it has ever been in the last 100 years, or we will need to find new working royals.

Although Harry remains a Counsellor of State, who “are authorised to carry out most of the official duties of the Sovereign, for example, attending Privy Council meetings, signing routine documents and receiving the credentials of new ambassadors to the United Kingdom,” the number of working royals has decreased with Harry and Meghan’s departure from the Firm.
The problem is that Andrew and Beatrice, two more Counsellors of State besides Harry, are not employed royals. Daniela Elser says that having Harry, Andrew, and Beatrice as potential royal understudies would be as sensible as having Gary Barlow from Take That take on the role of governor of the Bank of England or having Cheryl Cole fill in for the Home Secretary.
That they might potentially be used to convene Privy Council sessions, sign official documents, or even open parliament? Which is another way of saying that the king can’t afford for his brother and son, with their enduring pride and deep-seated resentment, to keep wrecking havoc on a semi-regular basis.

Elser asserts that in addition to the fewer royal engagements with the British people, eight other words—”The Duke of York” and “The Duke of Sussex”—have the power to “bring King Charles down” and maybe bring about the overthrow of the monarchy. “His Majesty is putting his reign – and the whole palace shebang – in jeopardy as long as the eight words ‘The Duke of York’ and ‘The Duke of Sussex’ appear on the royal website as Counsellors of State,” Elser wrote.
“[Andrew and Harry] continue to be an enduring source of trouble for the queen, but they are both still a part of the royal family,” she continued. We trust King Charles will be able to handle every situation that comes with his new position.
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